
稻田复种轮作模式的生态经济效益综合评价 被引量:24

Comprehensive evaluation of eco-economic benefits of multi-crop rotation in paddy field systems
摘要 为了筛选具有可持续性、适合鄱阳湖生态经济区的冬季绿色高效循环复合种植模式,通过2012年—2013年连续2年的田间定位试验,采用AHP法和综合指数法对鄱阳湖生态经济区5种稻田复种轮作模式(冬闲?稻?稻?冬闲?早稻?晚稻,绿肥?早稻?晚稻?油菜?玉米||大豆?晚稻,油菜?玉米||大豆?晚稻,蚕豆?早稻?甘薯||玉米?蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆,蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆?绿肥?早稻?晚稻)的生态经济效益进行了综合评价。结果表明:按照晚稻价格比折算后,两年间各种植模式中蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆种植模式的作物产量最高,其次是绿肥?早稻?晚稻,蚕豆?早稻?甘薯||玉米的作物产量最低。生态经济效益综合评价表明,2012年各系统的综合效益指数大小排序依次为:蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆>油菜?玉米||大豆?晚稻>蚕豆?早稻?甘薯||玉米>绿肥?早稻?晚稻>冬闲?早稻?晚稻,说明蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆种植模式"改稻为经",是能够带动稻田高产高效的种植模式,有利于农业生产的可持续发展。2013年经过稻田复种轮作后,各系统的综合效益指数表现为:绿肥?早稻?晚稻>蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆>油菜?玉米||大豆?晚稻>蚕豆?早稻?甘薯||玉米>冬闲?早稻?晚稻,表明稻田冬种紫云英模式的绿肥?早稻?晚稻种植模式能兼顾三大效益,有利于农业生产的可持续发展。从两年的综合效益结果来看,蔬菜?甘蔗|大豆→绿肥?早稻?晚稻模式能够带动稻田高产高效,能兼顾经济效益、生态效益和社会效益,可解决粮食安全和农业结构调整及农民增收等社会问题,而且对于冬季农业开发、自然资源的充分利用和农业生产的可持续发展也有极大的促进作用。综合来说,蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆→绿肥?早稻?晚稻模式是适合我国鄱阳湖生态经济区大面积推广应用的稻田冬季农业开发与复种轮作循环模式。 The study aimed to build sustainable application of evaluation index systems and methods and to select sustainable rotation patterns of multi-cropping with high efficiency green in the Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Zone. We conducted two consecutive years of field experiment and used a comprehensive index method to evaluate ecological and economic benefits of different rotation patterns of multi-cropping system in paddy fields. Based on the price of late rice, the results showed that crop yield of vegetables-sugar cane||soybean was the highest, followed by that of milk vetch-early rice-late rice and that of faba bean-early rice-sweet potato||maize the lowest. In 2012, the order of the overall efficiency index was vegetables-sugar cane||soybean 〉rapeseed-maize||soybean-late rice 〉faba bean-early rice-sweet potato||maize 〉milk vetch-early rice-late rice 〉winter fallow-early rice-late rice. This suggested that ‘vegetable-sugar cane||soybean' intercropping pattern made rice production more economical as paddy fields supported high-yields with high efficiency. It was conducive for sustainable development of agricultural production. After multi-crop rotation, the order of the overall efficiency index for 2013 was milk vetch-early rice-late rice vegetables-sugar cane||soybean rapeseed-maize||soybean-late rice faba bean-early rice-sweet potato||maize winter fallow-early rice-late rice. The ‘milk vetch-early rice-late rice' cropping pattern well accounted for the three main benefits conducive for sustainable agricultural production. Based on comprehensive benefits of the two-year experimental results, ‘vegetables-sugar cane||soybean → milk vetch-rice-rice' cropping pattern had the highest efficiency and yield. It well accounted for social, ecological and economic benefits, favorable for food security and structural agricultural adjustment that in turn increased farmers' income and other socio-economic benefits. It was also critical for the promotion of agricultural development in winter, making full use of natural resources that resulted in sustainable agricultural production. In a conclusion,‘vegetables-sugar cane||soybean → milk vetch-early rice-late rice' was the best rotation pattern for winter agriculture and multi-crop rotation system in terms of the scale of application in paddy fields in Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Zone.
出处 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期112-120,共9页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BAD14B14-01)资助~~
关键词 鄱阳湖生态经济区 稻田 复种轮作 生态经济效益 综合评价 Poyang Lake eco-economic zone Paddy field Multi-crop rotation system Eco-economic benefit Comprehensive evaluation
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