
行政的“疆域”与行政法的功能 被引量:30

The "Frontier" of Administration and Functions of Administrative Law
摘要 行政的范围 ,既取决于不同时代 ,不同社会经济条件下 ,人们对“公共物品”的需求 ,同时也取决于人们对政府权力的成本—效益的认识。在传统社会 ,人们对“公共物品”的需求量较小 ,政府管的事自然不多 ;在现代社会 ,人们对“公共物品”的需求量大增 ,政府的职能和行政的范围是不是就应该和必然无限地扩张呢 ?行政国家、全能政府在为人们部分解决了现代社会发生的许多复杂问题 (如“市场失灵”问题 )以后 ,又导致了大量的更为复杂的问题 (如政府腐败、社会腐败问题 )。于是 ,“有限政府” ,政府权力向社会 (“第三部门”)转化的方案提出来了。政府权力转化为社会公权力后 ,行使社会公权力的行为还属不属“行政”的范畴 ,应否受行政法的规范和控制 ?行政法的功能是什么 ?管理论、控权论、平衡论对之有不同的看法。现代行政法在纠正传统行政法片面强调管理或片面强调控权的偏向后 ,正逐步形成以规范和控制行政权为手段 。 The Scope of administration depends on the different eras, different social and economic conditions, and demands for 'public goods'. In the meantime, it also depends on the understanding of cost-benefit of government power. In traditional society, the demand for 'public goods' was small and naturally government did not administer much. In modern society where the demand for 'public goods greatly increased, should the functions of government and scope of administration indefinitely expand? After solving part of the many complicated problems ( i.e. market malfunction ) in the modern society, the administrative state and the omnipotent government give rise to more complicated problems ( i.e. problems of government corruption and social corruption). Hence, a proposal of 'limited government' and government power transformed into society ('the third sector') are put forward. After government power is transformed into social public power, does the conduct of executing social public power fall into the 'administrative category or it subject to regulation and control of administrative law? What is the function of administrative law? The perspectives of administration, power control, and balance hold different views. After correcting erroneous tendency of the traditional administrative law's undue emphasis of administration or power control, modern administrative law is gradually becoming a system of legal norms with regulation and control of administrative power as the means and serving administrative counterparts and safeguarding their legal rights and interests.
作者 姜明安
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期66-73,共8页 Seeking Truth
关键词 行政 国家行政 公行政 行政职能 “疆域” administrative national administration public administration administrative function
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