主要介绍以半导体器件为制冷源的新型全无氟绿色食品冰箱。它具有冷冻和冷藏功能 ,其特点是制冷源采用半导体制冷器件的原理 (帕尔帖效应 )。同时对冷藏室抽真空 ,具有换气、除臭、食品保鲜及真空预冷等多项功能。在真空系统的设计中 ,根据适当的抽气时间计算出真空的抽速 ,以选择合适的真空设备。自动控制系统对冷冻和冷藏室分别加以控制 ,利用温度传感器AD5 90和压阻规ZDY 1及其控制单元实现对真空设备和制冷设备的电气控制 ,从而实现了数显与自动的控制。该机制冷速度快 。
The semiconductor cryogenic vacuum refrigerator is a new green food one for cold storage and freeze without fluorine.It can use semiconductor cryogenic as cooled sources (Peltier effect) while evacuates the air in the cold storage room. This kind of refrigerator has a lot of functions,for example,ventilation,deodorization,freshness keeping,vacuum freeze,etc. In the design of the vacuum system,the pumping speed is calculated according to the proper pumping time,so that the appropriate vacuum pump can be selected.The auto control system controls the cold storage room and the freeze respectively.It realizes the control with the temperature sensor AD590,the pressure resistance gauge ZDY 1 and the control units,so it has the functions of the digital display and auto control. This new kind of refrigerator has no pollution.The quality of storage food stuff is better than that of the traditional one.It can increase the cooling speed also,and will have broad prospects in the near future market.
Vacuum Electronics