推导出了专家系统中基于三I机制的特征展开Fuzzy推理模型。以作物病虫害诊断与防治专家系统为实例 ,在雄风 4 1专家系统开发平台中 ,巧妙运用规则对象块的“规则架 +规则体”的规则组知识表示方法 ,实现了该平台上的特征展开三IFuzzy推理。给出了其FuzzyEBNF语法定义 ,讨论了采用知识表示策略实现Fuzzy推理的灵活优越性。该模型在雄风系列专家系统开发平台中尚属首次使用 。
Based on the triple I method, the fuzzy reasoning model of characteristic expansion for expert system was deducted in this paper. And the model was realized by the method of knowledge representation, which was called rule set including rule skeleton and rule body in the object module of rule, on the expert system platform of XF4.1. The definition of fuzzy EBNF was given and the advantage of knowledge representation strategy to realize fuzzy reasoning was discussed. The expert system for crop pest and disease diagnoses and their management was developed as a testing instance. This model was first applied to the series of XF expert system platforms and could be widely available.
Chinese High Technology Letters
86 3计划 ( 86 3 30 6 ZD0 5 0 3 4)
安徽省"九五"攻关 ( 99110 0 9)资助项目