The present calculation method involves all the geometric parameters for the cartridges of shaped charges and their liners as well as the density, detonation velocity and multiple power index of explosives. When collapse and jet parameters are calculated, uncompressible flow models are adopted, collapse velocity is calculated on flat plate projectile model and is modified by the results of cylindrical cohesive collapse tests. Penetration is calculated in accordance with quasi-steady process, and the effects of target strength and break-up of jets are also considered. The calculated results of collapse parameters of various charges, jet parameters and penetration proeess indicate that calculated values are in perfect compliance with real values.Applying this program (JPGS program), we can not only calculate variousparameters for the available charges, predict the performance of newly-designed charges, but also quantitatively analyse the rules of effccts of charge parameters varied on penetration.
Acta Armamentarii