现代远程教育工程启动以来 ,各主办院校为了抢占市场 ,一个你中有我、我中有你、纵横交错、覆盖全国城乡的教育网络新格局正在形成。处于地级中心城市的地方院校普遍面临着同时接纳多所主办院校开办不同专业网络教学的新课题。从教与学的角度看 ,网络教学媒体交互与组织模式的构建主要有四种 ,并且需要探索建立网络教学的自适应机制。
As modern distance education develops,many colleges and universities are competing and sharing markets with each other.Therefore a newly national wide opening network situation with markets cover each other is formed,many large of middle cities are facing the new challenge of dealing with more than one colleges or universities for many different programs by the same time.Bases on realistic experiences,and by emphasizing on students' learning,this thesis studies the structuring of a form of modern network.
Journal of Huizhou University