纳米材料因受量子尺寸效应和介电限域应等特性的影响 ,往往具有不同于块体材料和原子或分子的介观性质 ,在材料学、物理学、化学、催化和环保等方面具有广泛的用途。本文介绍了纳米材料的基本特性和在不同领域的应用 。
Nano-material is inflenced by the specific property of the dimension effect and limitation effect and so on.It alwqys has the qualities that is different from chunk material and atom or molecule.In materials science,physics,chemisty and invironmental protection fields aspect that is widely used.The artical introduces the basic specific property and the different application of Nano-material,it points out the development direction of Nano-material.
Journal of Jinzhou Normal College (Natural Science Edition)