Using the method recently developed by Can et al. (2001a, 2002), We investigate the time variation of the lower energy cutoff (Ec) of nonthermal electrons for three BATSE/CGRO hard X-ray events. The result shows that Ec changes with time, from smaller before the peak flux, to larger at the peak, and then back to smaller after the peak. Such a variation of Ec, being a preliminary conclusion for the first time, should be checked in the future by using data with a higher energy resolution.
Using the method recently developed by Can et al. (2001a, 2002), We investigate the time variation of the lower energy cutoff (Ec) of nonthermal electrons for three BATSE/CGRO hard X-ray events. The result shows that Ec changes with time, from smaller before the peak flux, to larger at the peak, and then back to smaller after the peak. Such a variation of Ec, being a preliminary conclusion for the first time, should be checked in the future by using data with a higher energy resolution.