介绍一般报警系统的基本结构 ,报警系统常用产品的优缺点 ,指出采用电话系统建立与计算机系统相联的报警系统的优势。虽然本文以特定电话机为对象讨论问题 ,但不失去问题的普遍性。文章从硬件芯片的角度出发 ,讨论了实践自动报警的内在机制 ,并介绍了与计算机RS2 32连接的基本方法 ,归纳了报警系统管理软件的基本功能和操作。整个应用软件采用DEL PHI语言开发 ,基于windows操作系统。软件实用、稳定、可靠 ,比较适用居民家属区、智能化的管理小区等。
In this article, the mechanism of an alarm system and its basic connection to RS232 has been discussed from the angle of IC. The main function and manipulation of the management software of the alarm system has also been induced as well. Based on the Windows environment, the whole application software was developed using Delphi. This software is practical, stable and reliable. It is applicable to management of intelligence dwelling place community.
Information Technology