"The durability of empire was sustained on both sides, that of the rulers and that of the distant ruled, and in turn each had a set of interpretations of their common history with its own perspective, historical sense, emotions, and traditions." It is true that any discourse of "discipline" was formed by both sides as Michel Foucault talked in Discipline and Punish. The participation of both sides make the "discipline" a process of self-otherization. The ideology of Internal-Orientalism could not be constructed without the participation of the two sides above. In this paper, I would attempt to review Shen Congwen’s fictions by theories of "folktales’ morphology" from Vladimir Propp, "defamiliarization" from Viktor Shklovsky and "ideology of form" from Fredric Jameson, in order to reveal the ideological unconsciousness of self-otherization and self-Orientalization shaded by identification of Xiangxi for Shen Congwen himself.
Graduate Students' Journal of Peking University