

On the Subsequent Act of Impunity
摘要 不可罚的事后行为是指,事后行为和事前行为由于共用某些构成要件要素,例如主体、对象和法益,而紧密结合在一起,刑法在综合评价这两者的基础上,将对事后行为的处罚融合在对事前行为的处罚之中,因此,对于这样的事后行为也可以称之为共罚的事后行为。当基于某种理由而不能处罚事前行为的时候,事后行为还依然不可罚吗?例如,事前行为经过诉讼时效或者不具有违法性,如何处理事后行为?关于这个问题存在可罚说与不可罚说。从不可罚的事后行为的存在论构造及其体系性地位出发,不管事前行为时基于实体性还是程序性的原因,都不影响事后行为的可罚性。此外,如何处理不可罚的事后行为与共犯也是一个重要问题。如果将已经实行事前行为这一要素看做一种身份的话,那么这一问题就转变为共犯与身份的问题。实施了事前行为这一要素是责任身份要素而不是违法身份要素。因此,就会得出参与人与实施了事前行为的人构成共犯或共同正犯的结论,而且,从这个视角出发,可以较好地解释为什么正犯不受处罚而共犯受处罚这一奇怪的现象。最后,不可罚的事后行为这一概念容易造成理解上的混乱,有必要以共罚的事后行为这一概念取代不可罚的事后行为。 The subsequent act and prior act work closely together on account of their common using of some elements of constitutive requirements such as subject,object and legal interest. As the theory of the subsequent act,criminal law integrates the penalty of subsequent act into that of prior act on the basis of comprehensive evaluation of them. Hence,the subsequent act of impunity can be also called the subsequent act of common penalty. As punishment for some reasons unable to the prior act,and still can not punish the subsequent act? For example,the prior act exceeding the limitation of action may has no illegality,how to deal with the subsequent act? On this problem there are theory of punishment and theory of impunity. From the subsistent constitution an systematic position of the subsequent act of impunity,no matter prior acts basing on substantive or procedural reasons,do not affect the punishment of the subsequent act. In addition,how to deal with the relationship between the subsequent act of impunity and accomplice is also an important issue. If consider the element of implementation of prior act as an identity,then the problem is transformed into an accomplice and identity. Implementation of the prior act is the responsible identity element rather than illegal identity element. Therefore,it can come to a conclusion that the participant and the person who implements the prior act constitute accomplice or joint principal offense. Moreover, in this perspective,we can preferably interpret the odd impunity of principal. Finally,being inclined to cause the confusion of understanding,it is necessary to replace the concept of the subsequent act of impunity by that of the subsequent act of common penalty.
作者 李世阳
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《北京大学研究生学志》 2012年第Z1期72-82,共11页 Graduate Students' Journal of Peking University
关键词 不可罚的事后行为 共罚的事后行为 共用的构成要件 身份犯 the Subsequent Act of Impunity the Subsequent Act of Common Penalty Common Constitutive Requirements Status Crime.
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