
渤海上京龙泉府形制新考 被引量:1

A new analysis of the plan and layout of the city Shangjing Longquanfu in Bohai Inoue Kazuto
摘要 一、前言渤海在其兴盛时期有五个都城,即:上京龙泉府、中京显德府、东京龙原府、西京鸭绿府、南京南海府(图一)。698年大祚荣建国后,据记载最初的都城是"旧国",737年第2代王大武芸(谥号武王)去世,这一年前后,迁都中京显德府。第3代王大钦茂(文王)在位的大兴17年(754年)左右,都城从中京迁至上京龙泉府。 In Bohai there were five castle capitals.Among them that which assumed the most impor- tant position was Shangjing Longquanfu.There have been many proposals with regard to the plan and layout of the city,starting with the reconstruction proposals of the research investiga- tions of the Far Eastern Archaeological Society in the 1930s.There followed the proposal based on the research of the China-Korea Combined Research Team in the 1960s,the proposal of Minoru Senda in the 1980s and the proposals in recent years of Noboru Ogata.Given the limit- ed results of archaeological investigations in the case of reconstructing the plan and layout of the city,in the present paper 1 have attempted,by use of satellite photography,to create detailed topographical maps.These are the most effective means of analysis,although they have been omitted in research up to now.Furthermore,from excavated archaeological remnants and the survey results of the China-Korea Combined Research Team,1 have educed that 1 shaku e- quals 29.33 centimeters,and on the basis of that shaku used for building construction,1 have reconstructed the established plan and lay-out of the inner palace and the outer city.In conclu- sion,the close interrelationship at the time with Heijyoukyou (the Heijyou capital in Japan) has been confirmed in the plan and layout of Shangjing.It has become clear that,at the time of the construction of Shangjing,city planning was carried out while being strongly aware of the plan and layout of Heijyoukyou.We can say that this accurately reflects the state of diplomatic relations between Japan and Bohai around the middle of the 8th century,which were situated in the fierce international environment in the middle of which Shilla lay.
出处 《边疆考古研究》 2005年第1期157-193,共37页 Research of China's Frontier Archaeology
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