
新中国成立70年国际地位提升的历程、经验及展望 被引量:2

The History, Experience and Prospect of the Improvement of China’s International Status in the Past 70 Years since the Founding of New China
摘要 一个国家国际地位高,才会被国际社会所重视,才能更好地维护国家利益和世界和平,为全人类作出更大贡献。每一个国家都想追求尽可能高的国际地位。但一个国家国际地位的提升,并不总是匀速前进的,而往往是通过一些重大事件或事实,跳跃性、间断性地实现的。新中国成立以来,抗美援朝的胜利,'两弹一星'的研制成功,恢复联合国的合法席位,对香港、澳门恢复行使主权,成功举办2008年北京奥运会,召开党的十九大,在中国发生的这六个重大事件或事实,每一次都使中国国际地位得到显著提高。中国国际地位的提高是中国人民艰苦奋斗出来的,凝聚着中国人民的智慧和汗水,累积着具有中国特色的成功做法和经验,有必要加以总结、凝练和升华。在新时代,我们要继承和发扬这些成功的做法和经验,努力实现祖国统一、打赢中美科技战、在全球治理方面的贡献名列世界前茅,进一步提升中国的国际地位,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,同时为世界的和平进步和全人类的幸福安康作出更大的贡献。 A country with a high international status will be valued by the international community in order to better safeguard national interests and world peace and make greater contributions to the whole mankind.Every country wants to pursue the highest possible international status.However,the promotion of a country’s international status is not always moving forward at a constant speed,but often through some major events or facts,jumping intermittently.Since the founding of New China,such epoch-making events have taken place in China as the victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea,the successful development of the'two bombs and one star,'the restoration of the legitimate seat in the United Nations,the recovery of Hong Kong and Macao’s sovereignty,the hosting of the 2008 Olympic Games,and the convening of the 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.At each time of these events,China’s international status has been significantly improved.The improvement of China’s international status is the result of the hard work of Chinese people.It embodies the wisdom and labor of the Chinese people and accumulates successful practices and experiences with Chinese characteristics.It is necessary to summarize,consolidate and sublimate them.In the new era,we must inherit and carry forward these successful practices and experiences,strive to achieve success in the realization of the motherland’s reunification,win the Sino-US scientific and technological war,contribute to global governance in the world’s top three areas,further enhance China’s international status,realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,and make greater contributions to the peace and prosperity of the world and the happiness and well-being of all mankind.
作者 仲计水 ZHONG Ji-shui(School of Marxism,Beijing Union University,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第3期9-17,共9页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 新中国 国际地位 全球治理 中美科技 十九大 New China international status global governance Sino-US science and technology the 19th NCCPC
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