3Executive Office of the President of the United States: Historical Tables, http://www, gpoaccess, gov.
4Department of The Treasury of the United States: Monthly Statement of the Public debt of the United States, http://www.treasurydirect. gov.
5Brown, E. C. (1956), "Fiscal policy in the thirties. A reappraisal", American Economic Review, 46 (5):857-- 879.
6Burns,A. F. N- P. A. Samuelson (1967), "Full employment, guideposts and economic stability", American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington D. C. , pp. 31--32.
7Committee for Economic Development(1947), "Taxes and budget: A program for prosperity in a free economy", Washington, November, pp. 22--25.
8Hansen, A. H. (1941) Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles, New York: Norton.