
早期中国的天人合一 被引量:6

The Mutual Compliance between Nature and Human in Early Periods of Ancient China
摘要 中国与西方都有讲天人合一的传统,以天人合一为中国特有的思想恐难成立。余英时从轴心时代的文明突破来讲中国独特的内向的天人合一,其实也有很多问题。因此,如果要研究中国的天人合一之说,应该更深入细致地分析。对此,张岱年曾指出天人合一有两种意义:一是天人相通,二是天人相类。结合近来出土的简帛材料和有关传世文献,可以发现张岱年的说法还有需要补充的地方。天人相通和天人相类共有的思想基础是天人感应。儒学大讲天人感应的灾异学说,将宇宙论和人事相结合,其发展的一个方向是子思《中庸》的圣人"赞天地之化育",另一个方向则是将人世伦理说为天之规则。这两种说法都有更早的思想来源,且都有修养方法。诸子百家说天人合一,有不同的"合",或合于圣人君子,或把人伦合于天常,或合于天道而非人道,或合于天而非人,乃至非圣人。而即使讲天人之分的荀子,也在讲天人合一于人。 The mutual compliance between nature and human has long been discussed in western countries and China,so it is impropriate to regard it as a unique concept in China.YU Yingshi(YU Yingshih)’ s thought on the inward mutual compliance from the perspective of cultural breakthrough in the Axial Age is questionable.Therefore,we should make an intensive and comprehensive study,if we tend to analyze the concept of‘mutual compliance between nature and human’in early periods of ancient China.ZHANG Dainian pointed out that the concept has two aspects of meanings:the connection and the similarity.Reviewing the recently unearthed texts on bamboo slips,wooden slips,and silk manuscripts as well as existent literature,we find that ZHANG’ s viewpoint also needs supplementation.The connection between nature and human and their similarity are both based on the interaction between nature and human.Combining the cosmology theory and human affairs,Confucians widely accepted the concept that the fortune and misfortune omens are caused by the interaction.One trend in understanding this concept is that wise men can assist nature to operate properly,as mentioned in Zhong Yong(The Doctrine of the Mean)by ZI si,the other is that the human ethics is regarded as the law of nature,both of which have earlier ideology sources and different methods of cultivation.The philosophers of various schools from pre-Qin Period to the early Han Dynasty discussed the mutual compliance between nature and human.The word‘he’(comply)was understood in different ways,such as the nature complying with the wise men and noblemen,or the human ethics complying with law of nature,or to say,nature never complying with human,even not with the wise men.XUN Zi advocated the difference between the human ethics and law of nature,but agreed that nature complies with human.
作者 李锐 LI Rui(History Research Institute,School of History,BNU,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期114-120,共7页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"中国国家起源研究的理论与方法"(12&ZD133)子课题 上海085社会学学科内涵建设科研项目
关键词 天人合一 天人相通 天人相类 诸子 余英时 the mutual compliance between nature and human the connection between nature and human the similarity between nature and human philosophers of various schools from pre-Qin Period to the early Han Dynasty YU Yingshi
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