
中国市场化改革绩效评估 被引量:6

Assessment on Marketization Reform Performances of China(1978—2016)
摘要 改革开放40年来,中国经济持续高速增长,主要得益于两点:一是对内进行市场化改革,释放经济活力;二是对外开放,积极参与全球化。目前,开放、合作、共赢仍是时代发展主旋律,但存在不确定性,新贸易保护主义初现端倪。在中国加入世界贸易组织十余年后的当下,美国、日本以及欧洲部分国家仍拒不承认中国的市场经济地位,美国更是率先挑起贸易战,甚至以第三国非市场化政策和做法为借口,试图"改革"世界贸易组织。因此,测度中国市场化改革绩效,既有助于让世界更加清晰了解中国市场化进程,也有助于自我把脉并为国内全面深化改革提供决策参考。通过从政府行为规范化、经济主体自由化、生产要素市场化、贸易环境公平化、金融参数合理化这五个方面动态测度1978—2016年的中国市场化指数,可以得出两点主要结论:其一,中国已经是市场经济国家。中国市场化指数稳步提高,从1978年的15.08分增加到2016年的86.50分(满分为100分)。这个结果与国际上相关权威研究机构测算结果基本一致;其二,中国市场化改革具有非均衡特征。经济主体自由化和贸易环境公平化这两大领域的市场化改革绩效最明显,而政府行为规范化领域的进展则相对迟缓,主要表现为财政负担保持稳定、甚至略有增加,这和新时代中国特色社会主义基本国情要求政府增加支出、保障民生、缩小各种差距密切相关。未来,随着中国经济社会发展日益平衡与协调,社会资本将积极进入更广泛的领域,可以预见,政府财政负担会明显下降,政府行为会更加规范。 China’ s economy has witnessed a continuously rapid growth over the past 40 years of reform and opening-up since 1978,resulting from the inward marketization for releasing the economic vitality and outward opening to other countries for participating in the globalization more positively.Although the main trend of global development is still opening,cooperating and building win-win relationship,we should notice the uncertainty,taking the recently sprung-up new protectionism as an example.Apart from that,the U.S.,Japan and some European countries refused to consider China as a market economy although China became one of the formal WTO members in 2001.The U.S.launched a trade war against China,and took the non-market-oriented policies and practices of third countries as a main attacking point and put forward the need for'reforming'of the WTO.Therefore,assessing China marketization performance is important for the world to get a better understanding of the marketization in China,and for the Chinses policy-makers to have reference based on self-assessment to deepen reform.This paper assesses China Marketization Index(CMI)from 1978 to 2016by five aspects:normalization of government action,liberation of economic entities,marketization of production factors,fairness of trade environment,and justification of financial parameters.We have found that CMI continually increased for the study period,scoring from 15.08 in 1978to 86.50 in 2016(out of full score 100),which is approximately in concordance with the result from some global assessment authorities.However,the whole process of China’ s marketization is not balanced in the five aspects.The outstanding performance in liberation of economic entities and fairness of trade environment is a contrast to comparatively sluggish development in normalization of government action.The government financial burden keeps steady and grows slightly,which shows that the normalization of government action develops slowly.The growth in government financial burden is closely related to the basic situation of the Chinese characterized socialism,which requires increasing the expenditure,ensuring people’ s livelihood and reducing various disparity.The social capital will flow into more fields positively when Chinese economic society gets more balanced and coordinately.It is foreseeable that the government fiscal burden will decrease obviously and the government action will be more normalized.
作者 林永生 郭治鑫 吴其倡 LIN Yongsheng;GUO Zhixin;WU Qichang(China Market Economy Research Centre,BNU 100875;School of Economics and Resource Management,BNU 100875,China)
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期147-157,共11页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 市场化 市场化改革 中国市场经济地位 市场化指数 marketization marketization reform the status of market economy in China Marketization Index
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