
北盘江流域彝族海马舞研究 被引量:1

Research to Haima Dance of Yi Nationality in Beipanjiang River Valley
摘要 海马舞是北盘江流域彝族传统丧葬仪式中,丧家女婿或女婿家请来的男性表演的舞蹈。关于海马舞的源起有戈阿楼说和孟获渡江说;海马舞是彝族先民在长期的生产实践和社会生活中逐渐形成并世代传承的丧葬祭祀舞蹈,是祖先迁徙、征战和民俗生活的集中表现。 The haima dance of Yi nationality in Beipanjiang river valley is usually performed by male in a funeral ceremony who are invited by he son-in-law or his family of the dead people. There are a saying about the origin of the dance, i.e. Ge-a-lou and Meng-huo crossing the river. On the whole the Haima dance is a traditional activity of funeral and sacrifice gradually formed in the long-term production practice and so?cial life of Yi nationality ancestors, and it is the epitome of their migration, war and folk life.
作者 陶波 郎禹
出处 《毕节学院学报(综合版)》 2016年第2期38-43,共6页 Journal of Bijie University
基金 四川省教育厅人文社科重点研究基地彝族文化研究中心项目"六盘水市非物质文遗产保护与传承研究" 项目编号:YZWH1522
关键词 北盘江 彝族 海马舞 戈阿楼 丧葬仪式 Beipanjiang River Valley Yi Nationality Hama Dance Ge-a-lou Funeral Ceremony
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  • 1《盘县文物与风情丛书》编委会,编.盘县非物质文化遗产描述与研究(M)贵州大学出版社, 2009
  • 2《中华舞蹈志》编辑委员会编,庞玉瑛主编.中华舞蹈志(M)学林出版社, 2002



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