
我国冬季运动体育国际话语权问题研究——以平昌冬奥会自由式滑雪项目为例 被引量:14

International Discourse Right of Winter Sports in China——Taking the Freestyle Skiing Project in Pyeongchang Winter Olympics as an Example
摘要 在北京冬奥会的筹办过程中,平昌之行所暴露出来的体育国际话语权乏力的问题是我们应该着力重视和解决的。主要通过文献资料法、实地调查法等研究方法,以自由式滑雪空中技巧为依托探究我国冬季运动体育国际话语权所遇到的困境及其解决之道,为2022年冬奥会的顺利举办奠定坚实的基础。研究认为:1)体育国际话语权是国家软实力的重要组成部分,亦是体育大国向体育强国转化过程中的应有之义;2)体育国际话语权具有权威性、世袭性、文化特性等性质与特点,影响力主要体现在其运动员与裁判员的实力、裁判员的资历与体育国际话语权代言人等3方面; 3) 2018年平昌冬奥会自由式滑雪空中技巧项目的判罚在外界看来存在一定的争议,但究其根本,还是由于我们没有做到硬实力(竞技能力与实力)、软实力(运动项目中的国际话语权)的内外兼修; 4)面对2022年主场优势的难得历史机遇,应从以下几个方面入手来提升我国的体育国际话语权:增强冬季运动竞技实力和体育综合实力;抓住时机,积极参与国际体育组织工作;主动申办、承办、参与国际赛事;建立联席会议制度;成立冰雪项目技术专家智囊团。在将抽象问题具体化的同时,也便于将解决之道推广到其他冬季项目,兼具普适性与创新性。 The lack of international discourse power of sports exposed by the trip to Pyeongchang Winter Olympics is a problem that we should pay attention to and solve in the process of organizing the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.This study explored the dilemma of the international discourse power of winter sports in China and its solutions by the methods of literature review and field investigation,and hoped to lay a solid foundation for the successful hosting of the Winter Olympic Games in 2022. The study considered that: 1) Sports international discourse right is an important part of national soft power and should be possessed in the process of transforming sports giant into sports power. 2) The international discourse power of sports has the characteristics of authority,heredity and culture. Its influence is mainly embodied in the strength of athletes and referees,the qualifications of referees and the spokespersons of international discourse power of sports. 3) There seems to be some controversy in the judgment of the freestyle skiing aerial skills in the 2008 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games,but the root of the controversy lies in the fact that we have not achieved both internal and external training of hard power( competitive ability and strength) and soft power( international voice in sports events). 4) Facing the rare historical opportunity of home advantage of 2022 Winter Olympic Games,we should start from the following aspects to enhance China’s international sports discourse power: enhance the competitive strength and comprehensive strength of winter sports;seize the opportunity to actively participate in the work of international sports organizations;take the initiative to bid,host and participate in international competitions;establish a joint conference system;and set up a think tank of ice and snow project technical experts. This study analyzed the international discourse power of sports based on the freestyle skiing aerial skills;it concretized the abstract problem,and was also convenient to extend the solution to other winter events,which is both universal and innovative.
作者 贺婧 邱森 齐广璞 贾宗洋 邱招义 HE Jing;QIU Sen;QI Guang-pu;JIA Zong-yang;QIU Zhao-yi(Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China)
机构地区 北京体育大学
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期30-41,共12页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(项目编号:16ATY004) 2018年度中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助课题(项目编号:2018ZD002)
关键词 冬奥会 体育国际话语权 软权力 国际体育组织 裁判员 冬季运动 自由式滑雪空中技巧 Winter Olympics international discourse right of sports soft power international sports organizations referees winter sports freestyle aerials
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