Calf thymosin fration 5 (THF 5), prepared by modified Goldstein method, was given to 7 patients with acute acquired immunodeficiency diseases, including 1 fulminant Japanese B encephalitis associated with respiratory failure: 1 fulminant infectious hepatitis associated with hepatic coma; 1 chronic active hepatitis associated with peritonitis; 1 systemic lupus erythematosus associated with herpes zoster: 1 severe heat-exhaustion associated with deep coma, bacteriemia, and decubitus ulcer: 1 chronic granulocytic leukemia associated with fungal pneumonia: and 1 acute lymphocytic leukemia associated with pseudomonas aerogenosa infection.The molecular weight of THF 5 is less than 15000. Electrophoretic analysis revealed no bovine serum albumin. Further studies on this substance which is promising in treating immunodeficiency diseases are necessary before it can be recommended in clinical practice.
Beijing Medical Journal