实施现代远程教育工程是完善终身教育体系的主要途径。广播电视大学以实践开放性和教学现代化两大命题为契机 ,加强开放教育试点 ,积极发展成人教育、燎原教育、社区教育与老年教育 ,促进各类教育协调发展 ,大力推进现代远程教育工程 ,努力发掘系统办学优势 ,并致力与各种社会教育资源广泛开展合作 ,构筑终身教育体系。
Carrying out Modern Distance Education Project” is the main approach in perfecting life long education system. Taking the practice of openness and modernization of teaching method as a turning point, RTVUs ought to strengthen pilot open education, actively develop adult education, “liaoyuan” education, community education and education for the aged and promote their coordinated growth, devote major efforts to carrying forward “Modern Distance Education Project”, fully benefit from the advantage of systematized school running and works for wide cooperation with various social education sources to build life long education system.
Journal of Jiangsu Radio & Television University