首先提出了全球化和区域创新的关系问题 ,并以长江三角洲开发区为窗口 ,应用历史分析方法分析了两者之间的关系 ;探讨了“二次创业”的内涵、主要特点和内容 ;分析了长江三角洲开发区“二次创业”的特点和内容 ;最后 ,对上海开发区的发展提出了一些建议。
Firstly, the relations between globalization and regional innovation are discussed, validating the relations on the basis of history of ETDZs in Yangzi Delta. Secondly, this thesis probe into the meanings and characteristics of 'New enterprise'. Thirdly, the author analyze the actions and characteristics of ETDZs in Yangzi Delta. At last, the author puts forward some suggestions on the ETDZs in Shanghai.