

Theoretical Study on the Hydrolysis Demethylation Metabolic Mechanisms of Caffeine at N_3 and N_7 Sites
摘要 采用BH&HLYP/6-311++g(d,p)方法研究了咖啡因N3和N7位水解代谢机理.每个N位的水解代谢机理考察了两种可能的反应路径:分步的路径A和协同的路径B.计算结果表明:对于N3或N7位水解代谢,路径A均优于路径B;N3位水解代谢的路径A所需的活化自由能(358.8 k J·mol-1)低于N7位(363.1 k J·mol-1),因而代谢产物副黄嘌呤优于茶碱. The hydrolysis metabolic mechanisms of caffeine at N3 and N7 sites were clarified in this paper under the BH&HLYP/6-311 + + g(d,p) theory. Two possible reaction pathways were identified for each N-site hydrolysis metabolic mechanism: the stepwise path A and the concert path B. The calculation results showed that path A was more favorable than paths B for both the N3- and the N7-sites hydrolysis metabolic mechanism. The activation free energy of path A involved in N3-site hydrolysis metabolic mechanism (358.8 kJ·mol^-1) was lower than that of N3-site (363.1 kJ·mol^-1 ) and the metabolite paraxanthine therefore was more favorable than theophylline.
出处 《西华师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第4期367-372,共6页 Journal of China West Normal University(Natural Sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21203153) 四川省科技厅应用基础研究项目(2011JY0136) 四川省教育厅重点项目(12ZA174) 西华师范大学博士启动基金资助项目(11B002)
关键词 咖啡因 水解 去甲基反应 密度泛函理论 BH&HLYP caffeine hydrolysis demethylation reaction density functional theory BH&HLYP
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