
能耗均衡的无线传感器网络多Sink节点部署优化方法 被引量:8

Novel Optimal Deployment Method of Multiple Sink Nodes in WSNs for Balanced Energy Consumption
摘要 针对传感器网络中单Sink节点存在近距离传感器节点过早死亡、传输路径单一、传输延迟及节点失效等问题,提出了一种综合考虑网络布局和网络能耗的多Sink节点部署优化新方法。首先,为缩短sink节点到传感器节点的传输距离,建立了加权距离最小化模型;同时,为均衡网络能耗,建立了无线传感器网络能耗最小化模型。然后,根据所建立多Sink节点部署优化模型的特点,使用加权系数将多目标模型单目标化,并设计了上升启发式算法进行求解。实验结果表明,提出的多Sink节点部署优化方法既能保证网络布局最优,又进一步均衡了网络能量消耗,有助于延长无线传感器网络的生命周期。 Wireless sensor network (WSNs) with a single sink node has some disadvantages of the quickness of consuming energy on the critical path, the singleness of routing algorithm, and the invalidation of the sink node. To solve these problems, a novel multi-objective programming approach for multiple sink nodes in WSNs was developed in this paper. In our approach, muhiple sink nodes were not only deployed,but energy consumption was also considered as the uncertain parameters. Our multi-objec- tire model attempted to minimize the weighted distance from sensor nodes to sink nodes, at the same time to balance WSNs energy consumption through minimizing the objective of consuming energy. Considering the global evaluation of two objectives, a compromise programming model was formulated and solved to obtain a non-dominating compromise solution with ascent algorithm. Experiment results show that the proposed approach can keep both optimal deployment of muhi-sink nodes and balance of energy consumption in WSNs, which can prolong the lifetime of the network.
作者 邵开丽 付辉
机构地区 黄河科技学院
出处 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期106-110,共5页 Instrument Technique and Sensor
基金 郑州市科技攻关计划项目(20120473)
关键词 无线传感器网络 多Sink节点 布局优化 多目标模型 WSNs multiple sink nodes optimal deployment muhi-objective model
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