
专家进课堂项目促进教师专业发展的研究 被引量:17

Research on Facilitate Teachers' Professional Development through Experts into Classrooms Project
摘要 近年来现实主义教师教育范式强调了从实践中学习教学,借助于经验和反思学会教。基于实践的教师专业发展可以从三种不同经验中学习,即从自己的经验中学,从同僚教师的经验中学,从专家的经验中学。基于个人经验的学习,专家引领是不可或缺的,专家在理论与实践之间搭建桥梁,可以促进教师有效的反思和洞察。为此,专家进课堂项目以教师个人经验为基础,在大学学科教学法教授及中学教学名师二对一的理论与实践指导中,在课堂教学分析软件提供的科学分析结果中开展学习。该项目的其主要特征可以概括为:专家进课堂,诊断促成长;评课看录像,软件析课堂;教师工作坊,名师指方向;对象吃小灶,刺激科组长;一年八进校,教学换新貌。 In recent years, the realistic teacher education paradigm emphasizes on learning through practice, and learning how to teach through experience and reflection. Practice based teachers' professional development could be learned through three different kinds of experiences, i.e. learning through one's own experience, learning through peers' experience, and learning through experts' experience. Learning through one's own and experts' experience is indispensable, scaffolding through theory and practice, experts would help teachers conduct effective refection and insight. The project of Experts into Classrooms was based on teachers' personal experience, and teachers would learn through practice guidance by both pedagogical professors and expert teachers of each subject, and learn through scientific analysis result provided by classroom observation analysis software. The key feature of this project could be concluded as following: Experts into classrooms, diagnose for development; comment via videos and analysis by software; teachers' workshop with experts who points your direction; our member have privilege and contribute to subject teachers; eight times a year and renovate your teaching now.
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期95-102,共8页 China Educational Technology
基金 广东省教育厅2014年特色创新项目(人文社科类)"专家进课堂项目与教师学习创新研究"(项目编号:2014WTSCX018)主要成果
关键词 专家进课堂 教师专业发展 教师培训 个人实践 Experts into Classrooms Teachers' Professional Development Teacher Training Personal Practice
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