
胡塞尔的心理主义及对心理主义的批判 被引量:1

Husserl's Psychologism,and Critique of Psychologism,Revisited
摘要 胡塞尔在《算术哲学》中坚持心理主义,从《逻辑研究》开始,他转向批判心理主义,自此开始了长达四十年反对心理主义的现象学"斗争"。《算术哲学》关注于集合逻辑统一性的起源:基数。尽管胡塞尔在《逻辑研究》与《经验与判断》中对基数客观统一性的解释是不彻底的,但这些解释却为《形式的与超越论的逻辑学》提供了分析基础,使他能够辨析逻辑学心理主义、认识论心理主义和超越论心理主义,并对心理主义进行了集中清理,从而在某种程度上完成了对心理主义的批判。《算术哲学》对未定集合和既定集合统一性的逻辑探究的失败,使胡塞尔不得不建立一个集合整体客观统一性的"构成"。但胡塞尔对全时性对象意义上逻辑纯粹性的认知被束缚于他对"数字同一性"的诉求之中。所以与其说胡塞尔指出了心理主义失败的原因,不如说他为知性对象意义"数字"结构的认知指出了唯一的解决途径。 Husserl maintains psychologism in The Philosophy of Arithmetic, however he criticizes it from logical Investions, which begins the four decade " war" against psychologism. The problem addressed by the philosophy of arithmetic concerns the original of the logical unity of collects : the cardinal numbers, altough the accounts of objectivity collective unity in the acrdinal numbers in Logical Investigations is incomplete, which provide an analyses foundation for Formal and Transcendental Logical, which makes Husserl to identify three kinds of psychologism: logical, epistemological, and trandcendental psychologism, and to clear up the psychologism, to some extent, which completes the critique. However, it is because that Husserl's logical investigation of inderterminate and determinate collective unity is not succeed in standing up to the measure, Husserl to establish the "constitution" of the objective unity of whole of a collection. Then, rather than signal the failure to resolve the problem of psychologism, Husserl's recognition of the " numerical" structure of the meaning of the objects of understanding signals the only way of resolve problem.
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期111-126,共16页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 心理主义 批判 对象一般 基数 统一性 集合 艾多斯数 Psycholoism Critique Item Cardinal Number Unity Collection Eidetic Number
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  • 1Edmund Husserl, Formal and Transcendental Logic, trans. Dorian Cairns (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1969).
  • 2German text: Formale und transzendentale Logik, ed. Paul Janssen, Hua XVII [The Hague: Nijhoff, 1974], p. 154.
  • 3Edmund Husserl, Philosophie der Arithmetik, ed. Lothar Eley, Husserliana XII (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1970).
  • 4English translation : The Philosophy of Arithmetic, trans. Dallas Willard ( Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2003 ).
  • 5Edmund Husserl, Entwurf einer "Vorrede" zu den Logischen Untersuchungen ( 1913 ), ed. Eugen Fink, in Tijdschrifi voor Philosophie( 1939): pp. 106-133.
  • 6English translation, Introduction to the Logical Investigations, trans. Philip J. Bossert and Curtis H. Peters (The Hague: nartinus Nijhoff, 1975), p. 34.
  • 7Hua XII, p. 14, p. 95, p. 139, p. 147n. 20o.
  • 8Dallas Willard, "Husserl on a Logic that Failed", The Philosophical Review, LXXXIX, 1 (January 1980) : pp. 46-64.
  • 9J. N. Mohanty, Husserl and Frege (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982), p. 22.
  • 10f., and "Husserl, Frege, and the Overcoming of Psychologism", in The Possibility of Transcendental Philosophy, pp. 1-11.










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