
企业所有制调节作用下的名人CEO与组织吸引力研究 被引量:1

The Relationship between CEO Celebrity and Organizational Attractiveness:The Moderating Effect of Firm Ownership
摘要 依据信号理论和社会认同理论,研究中国情境下名人CEO与组织吸引力的关系。采用组间多因子设计,分析CEO的名气和声誉对组织吸引力的不同影响,比较两者的相对重要性;然后,探询企业所有制对名人CEO和组织吸引力的调节作用,并借助多变量方差分析和层级回归,对12组(名气×声誉×所有制)共659名受试者数据进行分析。研究结果表明,名人CEO的名气和声誉分别与组织吸引力正相关;相较名气,名人CEO的声誉对组织吸引力作用更为重要;所有制调节了名人CEO与组织吸引力的关系,特别是在国有企业中,隐藏瑰宝型CEO对求职者吸引力最强。 Drawing on signaling theory and social identity theory,this study investigated the relationship between CEO celebrity and organizational attractiveness as well as the potential moderating effect of firm ownership by between-subjects factorial design in Chinese context.Data were obtained from 659 senior undergraduates in Wuhan and Xi'an.Using multivariate analysis of variance and hierarchical regression model,the results revealed that CEO celebrity's fame and reputation are all positively correlated with organizational attractiveness;compared with fame,CEO celebrity's reputation is more important in attracting job-seekers;firm ownership moderated the relationship between CEO celebrity and organizational attractiveness.In particular,Hidden gems had the greatest effect on organizational attractiveness than other three types in state-owned firms.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期67-75,共9页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助重点项目(71232001) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71072031)
关键词 名人CEO 组织吸引力 名气 声誉 企业所有制 CEO celebrity organizational attractiveness fame reputation firm ownership
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