
基于分数阶的航空用三相电压型整流器设计 被引量:1

Design of Three-phase Voltage Type Rectifier for Aviation Based on Fractional-order
摘要 设计了一种基于分数阶控制器的双环控制的三相电压型PWM整流器。对双环控制的参数设计进行详细介绍,其中,电流内环采用传统的整数阶控制器,并采用前馈解耦的控制策略对内环电流分量进行解耦控制,电压外环采用分数阶控制器,增强系统的鲁棒性,提高电网品质,最后在Matlab软件环境下进行建模仿真,通过理论分析和仿真实验,得出系统在不同条件下均能稳定运行的特性。 In this paper,the dual closed- loop vector control of the three- phase voltage source pulse-width modulated( PWM) rectifier based on fractional- order controller is introduced. The parameters design of the double loop control are introduced in detail. The inner current loop uses classical proportional integral( PI) controller. And the feed- forward decoupling control strategy is introduced to realize the decoupling control of inner loop currents. The fractional- order controller is adopted for the outer voltage loop,which can enhance the robustness of the system and improve the quality of the power grid. Finally,the system was simulated under the matlab. And we proved that the method can maintain the stability of the system under different conditions through theoretical analysis and simulation research.
出处 《航空计算技术》 2015年第6期91-94,共4页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
基金 国防基础预研基金项目资助(609)(APSC NJZX D201301 J03) 南京航空航天大学民航学院创新基金项目资助(MH15Y02)
关键词 三相整流 双环控制 分数阶控制器 前馈解耦 three-phase rectifier dual control fractional-order controller feed-forward decoupling
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