

Practice Mode of the Weakening International Conflicts
摘要 国际政治现实中,国际冲突往往达不到解决的程度,更多的是弱化。国际冲突的弱化受到经济全球化、国际机制、领导者政治个性三个方面的影响。力主撇除武力手段,采取外交、沟通、第三方调解等非武力方式来实现冲突表现形式的减弱、冲突当事方损失的减少。通过解读中欧"涉藏"国际冲突中中方的一系列动作,对国际冲突弱化的实践模式进行了解释,期冀对国际冲突的实践有所启示。 In the reality of international politics, international conflicts are far from being solved absolutely but mostly weakened. The weakening of international conflicts is influenced by economic globalization, international mechanism and the leaders' political personality. It is to abandon military means but use diplomacy, communication and mediation by a third party to recede the conflict forms and reduce losses of conflict parties. This paper tries to explain the practice mode of the international conflict weakening through interpreting China's series of actions in Sino-Europe "Tibet-related" political conflict with hopes to enlighten the practice of international conflicts.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第6期1123-1129,共7页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 新疆自治区社科基金项目(12BZZ028)
关键词 国际冲突 国际冲突弱化 国际机制 涉藏 international conflict the weakening of international conflict international regime Tibetrelated
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