
基于混合算法的飞机多层次装配计划优化及应用 被引量:1

Multi-level Assembly Plan Optimization of Airplane Based on a Hybrid Algorithm and its Application
摘要 分析了飞机装配过程的多层次任务网络特点,在满足工位、AO、工序多层次的时间约束、资源约束,并充分考虑任务移交情况下对工期影响的基础上,建立了资源约束下的多层次装配计划优化模型,提出一种针对多层次网络特性的离散粒子群算法与禁忌搜索结合的混合算法对该问题进行求解,并以某飞机机身的装配项目进行实例计算,验证了多层次计划优化模型与算法的有效性。 By analyzing the characteristic of the multi-level task network during the assembly process of airplane manufacturing,a resource-constrained multi-level assembly plan optimization model is set up. The model not only satisfies multi-level time constraints and multi-level resource constraints,but also takes into account the transfer station for the duration of the impact. It is then solved by a proposed hybrid algorithm combining discrete particle swarm optimization and tabu search,and the concept of multi-level task particles is proposed in the algorithm. An application case of the fuselage assembly project is finally studied.The results illustrate the effectiveness of this optimization model and resolution algorithm.
出处 《工业工程》 2015年第6期8-18,共11页 Industrial Engineering Journal
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题资助项目(2015BAF17B02) 国家数控重大专项资助项目(2014ZX04014101)
关键词 飞机装配 多层次装配计划 优化模型 离散粒子群算法 禁忌搜索 airplane assembly multi-level assembly plan optimization model discrete particle swarm optimization tabu search
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