
劫持性期刊现象研究 被引量:9

Research on the Phenomenon of Hijacked Journals
摘要 文章以Mehrdad Jalalian最近更新的劫持性期刊列表及Jeffrey Beall所公布的劫持性期刊为数据源,结合Mehrdad Jalalian个人主页、期刊网页信息、乌利希国际期刊指南、JCR报告等,对劫持性期刊相关信息进行了调研。并从期刊网址、影响因子、国别和地区分布、期刊语种和学科分布、期刊类型等方面总结了劫持性期刊的特点,分析了该现象产生的原因和带来的危害,总结出识别和应对劫持性期刊的方法,以期为期刊界、信息服务机构、作者识别和应对劫持性期刊现象提供参考和借鉴。 Based on the lists of hijacked journals which were recently developed by Mehrdad Jalalian and provided by Jeffrey Beall, this paper took a survey of hijacked journals with referencing to the information on Mehrdad Jalalian's homepage, the journal's site, Ulrichsweb and Journal Citation Reports. The characteristics of authentic journals which were hijacked were summarized from the aspects of journal's website, impact factor, languages used, subject distribution, types and so on. The cause of this phenomenon and the harm it caused were analyzed and the methods to identify the hijacked journals and deal with this phenomenon were summerized. This article provided a reference for the industry of publishing, information service organizations and authors to identify the hijacked journals and deal with this phenomenon.
出处 《图书与情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期16-24,共9页 Library & Information
基金 中国科学院文献情报能力建设专项项目"开放获取期刊采集服务体系"(项目编号:院1329)研究成果之一
关键词 欺诈性行为 劫持性期刊 掠夺性期刊 应对方法 predatory behavior hijacked journals predatory journals coping method
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