
希腊化与犹太传统的对话模式——以马加比起义历史动因为例 被引量:1

The Models of Communication Between Hellenism and Judaism:Taking the Historical Reasons of Maccabean Revolt as an Example
摘要 学界关于马加比起义成因的考察集中在塞琉古国王安条克四世的宗教改革。根据比克尔曼的长时段研究方法,起义历史背景可分为耶逊希腊化改革、安条克四世的军事行动和宗教改革三组事件,它们本质上是希腊化与犹太传统两种力量的碰撞在文化、军事和宗教层面的具体体现,代表了二者之间的三种不同对话模式和犹太人对待外来文化的基本态度:主动接纳与积极肯定,外力强制与被动接受,外力强制与排斥反抗。 In terms of the reasons of Maccabean revolt,Antiochus IV's religious reform has been intensively concerned.According to the Bickermann's researching method of long period,the essay will integrate the historical process before Maccabean revolt into three groups of invents,which forms the reasons of Maccabean revolt basing on the contradict between Hellenism and Judaism.Essentially the three reasons are concrete reflections of the contradict between Hellenism and Judaism in culture、military and religion,representing the various contradicting models,that is initiatively accepting and actively identification,compelling by outside power and receiving passively as well as forcing,rejecting and resisting,which compose the basic models of Jewish replying to foreign cultures.
作者 张琳
出处 《外国问题研究》 2015年第4期48-54,共7页 FOREIGN HISTORY STUDIES
关键词 马加比起义 希腊化 犹太传统 对话模式 历史动因 Maccabean revolt Hellenism Judaism models of communication historical reasons
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