

Detective Simulation System of the Self-propelled Object's Three-component Magnetic Array Based on Matlab
摘要 基于Matlab中GUI平台程序开发环境,开发模拟三分量磁通门磁阵列探测仿真系统,进行实时探测水下自航磁性目标体的运动状况,取得了如下仿真效果:通过控件实现了自航磁性目标体的三分量磁异常可视化数值模拟计算功能;运动中的磁性目标体Za、H_(ax)、H_(ay)三分量及总磁异常的特征分析;根据自航磁性体运动特征实现自航磁性体运动状态及磁异常曲线的可视化显示;根据用户输入的不同参数,实现磁性目标体在不同深度、不同半径、不同长度、不同运动速度以及不同环境磁场的条件作用下的三分量磁异常变化的仿真模拟技术。经过该仿真模拟实验,加深了对三分量磁探测水下磁性目标体方法技术的了解,为学生从事地球物理勘探工作以及军事地球物理均具有帮助。 Based on GUI procedure development circumstance in Matlab,we develop a software which simulates magnetic flux gate array of three-component magnetic to survey underwater self-propelled object 's movement. The simulated effects are as follows: it can make self-propelled object visible when the three-component is abnormal; it can imitate computing functions; it can also provide feature analysis of Za,Hax,Hay and the total magnet when the magnetic target is moving. According to self-propelled feature of magnetic body movement,the motion situation and magnetic anomaly curve can be observed. According to the parameter inputted by user,it can actualize simulation of magnetic object's anomalous conditions in different depths,semidiameters,lengths,speeds,and magnetic surroundings.Through the simulation experiment,it can deepen students' comprehension about the skill of detection of magnetic object underwater and give certain reference to student those who engage in geophysical exploration and military geophysical.
出处 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第11期103-110,共8页 Research and Exploration In Laboratory
基金 湖北省科技支撑计划资助项目(2015BCE077) 中国地质大学(武汉)2014-2015学年度教学实验室开放基金资助项目
关键词 MATLAB 三分量 磁阵列 仿真系统 自航目标体 磁异常 Matlab three-component magnetic array simulation system self-propelled target body magnetic anomaly
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