
以译入为鉴——中国古诗走出去的新思考 被引量:3

Learn from the Translation into One's Mother Tongue:A New Perspective on Our Self-Motivated Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry
摘要 历史上的汉译外主要遵循目的语国家的主动译入模式,而目前我国的中华文化外译是向世界进行的主动推介。为保证推介效果,必须加强其它国家对我国文化进行的主动译入活动的研究,以及海外读者对我国译出作品的评价研究。本文以古典诗歌翻译为例,探讨了英语世界对古典诗歌进行主动翻译的历史过程中,由诗学变化引起的两个翻译范式的变化,同时结合庞德、艾米·洛威尔的古典诗歌翻译实践,以及安德烈·勒弗菲尔对《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》多个英译本的对比分析,指出译诗是否符合目的语文化中的主导诗学是决定其接受效果的关键。 Historically,the translation of Chinese into foreign languages was mainly initiated by the foreign countries. However,to translate the Chinese culture into foreign languages by us Chinese translators,which is thriving in current China,is a self-motivated activity to promote our own culture. In order to ensure the receptivity of our translations,due attention must be paid to the study of why the target cultures initiated the translation of the classical Chinese works into their own languages,and how the TL readers have received the translations done by our Chinese translators. Taking the translation of classical Chinese poetry as an example,this paper explores how the changes of poetics in the English-speaking countries would lead to the two changes in terms of translation paradigm. In addition,based on a comparative study of English translations done by Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell,coupled with Andre Lefevere's comparative analysis of major English versions of one specific Chinese poem,it points out that whether the translated poem corresponds with the dominant poetics in the target culture is crucial to its reception.
作者 陈月红
出处 《山东外语教学》 2015年第6期85-91,共7页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 三峡大学人才科研启动基金(项目编号:KJ2014B029)的部分成果
关键词 古典诗歌翻译 诗学 翻译范式 the translation of classical Chinese poetry poetics translation paradigm
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