

About the stress biological indicators changes of bunker using awareness to simulate combat——taking Nanjing Forest Police College as an example
摘要 从心理和生理方面设计了现实情境压力训练方案进行"掩体利用"战术意识训练,并借助实验室对应激压力下警察战术训练学员的生理心理学敏感指标进行测试,旨在探索应激压力发生的生物学机制。结果表明:实验组与对照组相比,应激压力训练后唾液中皮质醇水平相对训练前显著升高(P<0.05),平均心率显著升高(P<0.01),主观紧张程度显著提高(P<0.01)。可见战术教官创新设计的"掩体利用"战术意识压力训练模式在生理和心理反应层面达到了实战应激。 In order to make the theoretical police tactical training into practical combat from both the physiological and psychological aspects,the tactical instructors design a training scheme in which the tactical training is conducted under the real situation pressure. This design scheme tries to make the police trainees' receive their training with the tactical consciousness of Cover- Using. And,with the testing of the trainees' physiological and psychological sensitive indexes that conducted in the laboratory,it aims to explore the biological mechanism that stimulates the generation of stress.The results suggest that compared with the control group,the saliva cortisol level of the trainees' of the experiment group has a great increase(P〈0.05),the average heart rate rises significantly(P〈0.01),and the subjective stress levels also elevate greatly(P〈0.01). Thus,the tactical instructors' innovation of the training scheme with the Cover-Using tactical consciousness has a real combat stress in physiological and psychological aspects.
作者 刘昱欣
出处 《辽宁体育科技》 2015年第6期52-54,共3页 Liaoning Sport Science and Technology
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(项目编号:LGYB201520)
关键词 掩体利用 应激 生物学机制 生理心理学 唾液标志物 唤醒 Cover-Using stress biological mechanism physiological saliva markers arouse
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