

Influence of Different Learning Methods and Number of Dimensions on Category Learning
摘要 采用学习—迁移范式,以双维度光栅图为类别材料,通过两个实验探讨不同的学习方式(反馈学习和观察学习)对类别学习迁移的影响。实验1探讨反馈学习对类别学习迁移的影响。结果发现基于规则的类别学习和信息整合的类别学习的迁移成绩出现了分离效应,基于规则的类别学习成绩优于信息整合的类别学习的成绩。实验2探讨了观察学习对类别学习迁移的影响。结果发现基于规则的类别学习有很好的迁移,而信息整合的类别学习的迁移会受到损害。结果表明:学习方式影响类别学习中外显和内隐学习系统的竞争,研究支持了多系统观点。 The research adopted "Learning-Transfer- Paradigm" to examine the effect of double dimension perceptual stimulus on category learning under the condition of feedback-based and observation learning.This study contained two experiments. In experiment 1, we probed the influence of double dimension perceptual stimulus on category learning under the feedback-based condition. In experiment 2,under the condition of observation learning, we explored the effect of double dimension perceptual stimulus upon category learning. The results of this research showed that:(1)Under the feedback-based learning condition, the performance of category learning transfer displayed the dissociation between the informationintegration and rule-based type. The performance of rule-based category learning was better than information-integration category learning.(2)Whether the feedback-based or observation learning, the transference of rule-based category learning was exsited, the transference of information-integration category learning was destroyed. These results indicated that different learning type influenced upon the competition between the explicit and implicit category learning, this study supported the Multiple Systems Theory.
作者 邢强 刘便荣
出处 《心理研究》 2015年第6期26-33,共8页 Psychological Research
基金 广东省人文社科项目(2013WYXM0095) 广东省教育科学项目(2014GXJK059)
关键词 类别学习 多重系统理论 知觉材料维度 学习方式 类别迁移 category learning the multiple-systems theory dimension of perceptual stimulus learning style category transfer
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