

Relationship between coagulation necrosis and cavitation induced by PHIFU
摘要 目的:研究相同剂量,不同辐照参数的脉冲高强度聚焦超声(pulsed high intensity focused ultrasound,PHIFU)辐照牛眼晶状体所致凝固性坏死的变化过程及其与空化效应的关系,探讨何种方式辐照效果最佳。方法:用不同声功率和占空比的PHIFU(A组对照组:60 W-100%,B组:120 W-50%,C组:240 W-25%,D组:500 W-12%)辐照牛眼晶状体,辐照过程中使用高速摄像系统实时拍摄凝固性坏死的变化,被动空化检测(passive cavitation detection,PCD)系统记录焦域处发出的声散射信息,分析辐照过程中两者之间的关系,并比较各参数辐照效果。结果:各组均发生凝固性坏死,C、D 2组相应RMS幅值在辐照开始时就增高,其凝固性坏死出现平均时间分别为(2.63±0.71)s、(2.45±0.68)s。其中D组凝固性坏死出现所需时间最短,坏死体积最大,能效因子(energy efficiency factor,EEF)值最小,空化发生剧烈。结论:总剂量相同的PHIFU辐照下,声功率500 W,占空比12%的辐照效果最好。空化效应的发生要早于凝固性坏死的出现。 Objective :To study the relationship between coagulation necrosis and cavitation in bovine lens induced by PHIFU with different parameters,and to explore the best way of irradiation. Methods:Different sound power and duty cycle of PHIFU(group A, control groups:60 W-100%,group B:120 W-50%,group C:240 W-25%,group D:500 W-12%) was used to irradiate bovine lens;the real-time formation of coagulation necrosis was recorded using high-speed imaging device;the acoustic scattering at the fo- cal region was recorded by PCD system, and then the relationship between the irradiation process and cavitation was analyzed, and the effects of irradiation parameters was compared. Results:Coagulation necrosis was occurred in each group. At the beginning of irradia- tion,the root-mean-square(RMS)was increased in groups C and D, and the corresponding average time of appearing coagulation necrosis was (2.63 ± 0.71) s and (2.45 ± 0.68) s,respeetively. In group D,the occurrence time of coagulation necrosis was the shortest, the volume was the maximum,the energy efficiency faetor(EEF) was the minimum, and the cavitation occurred acutely. Conclusion: Under the same total dose of radiation PHIFU, sound power=500 W,duty cycle=12% is the best. Cavitation occurs earlier than the appearance of coagulation necrosis.
出处 《重庆医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期1510-1514,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Medical University
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(编号:2011CB707900) 重大仪器专项资助项目(编号:81127901) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:11274404)
关键词 脉冲高强度聚焦超声 占空比 空化效应 凝固性坏死 pulsed high intensity focused uhrasound duty cycle cavitation coagulation necrosis
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