加拿大大坝协会(Canadian Dam Association,CDA)于2007年出版的《大坝安全导则》为业主和咨询机构就有效开展大坝安全复核(Dam Safety Reviews,DSR)提供了有限的指导。加拿大各地的做法各不相同,所以加拿大大坝协会成立了一个工作组来编写《大坝安全导则》的补充材料,预计将出版《大坝安全复核技术公报》且为加拿大大坝协会会员编写继续教育的教材。笔者介绍了该工作小组的理念,供后续讨论和关注,同时,笔者概述了加拿大国内与大坝安全复核相关的当前实践情况。除了《大坝安全导则》,文章还吸收利用了大量其他资源,包括:通过2011年和2012年年会的会议接触到的许多加拿大大坝协会个人会员的意见、加拿大大坝协会大坝安全复核工作小组的专家意见、加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚专业工程师和地质学家协会(Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia,APEGBC)工作小组的投入,他们正在为法定的大坝安全复核制定专业的实践导则。
The Dam Safety Guidelines published in 2007 by the Canadian Dam Association(CDA) pro-vide limited guidance for owners and consultants to effectively carry out Dam Safety Reviews(DSR).Practices vary widely across Canada, so the CDA has formed a working group to develop material to sup-plement the Dam Safety Guidelines. It is expected that a Technical Bulletin on Dam Safety Reviews willbe published and that continuing education materials will be developed for the CDA membership. Thispaper presents the concept developed by the working group for further discussion and input, and at thesame time outlines current practices related to Dam Safety Reviews in Canada.This paper draws on a number of sources in addition to the Dam Safety Guidelines: many individual CDAmembers, through sessions at both the 2011 and 2012 annual conferences; the expertise of the Dam Safe-ty Review Working Group of CDA; and input from a working group of the Association of Professional En-gineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia(APEGBC) that is developing professional practice guide-lines for legislated Dam Safety Reviews.
Dam & Safety