
基于广义动态尾迹倾转旋翼飞行器数学建模 被引量:2

Mathematical Modeling for Tilt Rotor Aircraft Based on Generalized Dynamic Wake Theory
摘要 为了进一步提高倾转旋翼飞行器的建模精度,采用广义动态尾迹理论建立旋翼的诱导速度模型,进而建立了旋翼气动力计算模型;考虑旋翼尾流对机翼的影响,建立了机翼气动力模型;考虑旋翼和机翼对其他升力面的气动干扰,建立相应的气动力计算模型;最后以XV-15倾转旋翼飞行器为例,对建立的模型进行验证。仿真结果表明:建立的飞行动力学模型可以很好地反映飞行器的物理特性,适用于倾转飞行器的飞行动力学研究。 To improve the modeling precision of the tilt rotor aircraft,the rotor induce velocity model is set up by using the generalized dynamic wake theory,and then a rotor aerodynamic force calculation model is established.Moreover,considering the effect of the rotor wake on the wing,a wing aerodynamic model is established,and considering the effect of the rotor wake and wing interference on other lifting surfaces,the corresponding aerodynamic calculation model is also established.The XV-15 tilt rotor aircraft is taken as an example to verify the modeling method.The simulation results show that the flight dynamics model can well reflect the physical properties of the aircraft and can be applied to flight dynamics research.
出处 《南京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期848-855,共8页 Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划("八六三"计划)(2012AA112201)资助项目 国家航空科学基金(20115702002)资助项目
关键词 倾转旋翼飞行器 飞行动力学 广义动态尾迹 气动干扰 配平 tilt rotor aircraft flight dynamics generalized dynamic wake aerodynamic interference trim
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