
第二次世界大战前日本的报纸漫画 被引量:2

Japanese Newspaper Manga before World War Ⅱ
摘要 本文以二战之前在东京发行的主要报纸为中心,全面论述了日本报纸漫画的发展与变迁。从1902年《时事新报》的"时事漫画"专栏创办以来,直到二战结束的近半个世纪当中,第一次世界大战、关东大地震、经济大萧条和战时报纸进入被统治时代的这四个节点将报纸漫画的发展分为序幕、成长期、发展期、繁荣期和稳定期。报纸漫画的发展与社会变迁息息相关,除了战争时期的人为干预之外,重大历史事件都不同程度地促进了漫画的发展。 This article expounds on the development and transition of Japanese newspaper comic strips, focusing on major newspapers published in Tokyo before World War Ⅱ. From the creation of"Jiji Manga"(Newsletter Comic Strip) in CurrentAffairs News in 1902 to the end of World War Ⅱ, the development of Japanese newspaper comic strips can be divided into five phases: prelude, growth period, expansion period, boom period and stability period according to four critical events: World War Ⅰ, the Great Kanto Earthquake, the Great Depression and entering into the strictly regulated regime during World War Ⅱ. The development of newspaper comic strips was closely associated with social changes. Other than interventions during wartime,critical social events have promoted the development of newspaper comic strips to varying degrees.
作者 徐园
出处 《日语学习与研究》 2015年第6期72-78,共7页 Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research
基金 中国人民大学"985工程"科学研究基金项目的阶段性研究成果 批准编号:2014H003
关键词 日本 二战前 报纸 漫画 Japan before World War Ⅱ newspapers comic strips
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