China's domestic tourism industry develops rapidly in recent years.More and more tourists prefer leisure travel to tourist attractions,especially when luxury resort hotels become tourist destinations to choose for its leisure facilities,the environment and paying attention to the customer experience.Based on the website " Qu Nar"(Where To Go),taking customer reviews on the five-star or luxury class domestic leisure hotels in Guangdong Province as the study sample,using content analysis and ROST CM6 as an analytical tool,the aim of this study is to build the content analysis tables on the nature of network customers' experience of the resort,to analyze the high frequency words,and to explore the resort tourists' customer motivation and behavior characteristics,and to mine customer needs and to provide a reference for the resort product innovation.The result shows that the customer experience does not just take satisfaction as a final goal.Recommendations for resort hotel product innovation had better comply with the following ideas:planning and managing service and customer experience which is based on the theme of the hotel;paying great attention to natural endowment;creating a season and climate customer experience breakthrough;and refining a full range of customer experience.
Journal of Lingnan Normal University