
走向后经典叙事研究的“我们”叙事学 被引量:4

“We”Narratology Turning into the Research of Postclassical Narrative
摘要 "我们"叙事研究是叙事者为第一人称复数——"我们"——的叙事研究。虽然对"我们"叙事的研究贯穿于经典叙事学和后经典叙事学的各个阶段,却没有引起足够的重视,只是到了21世纪,才成为引人注目的重要问题。"我们"叙事的核心要素是结构、语境和主体。经典叙事学对"我们"叙事进行结构和功能分析,后经典叙事学则进行语境分析。在后经典叙事学与"叙事转向"的融合过程中,"我们"叙事被置于更加开放和广阔的视野之中,与历史、民族、性别、身份相互作用,形成了跨学科的新研究。"我们"叙事研究既是经典叙事学的一部分,也推动了经典叙事学向后经典叙事学的转化。 'We' narratives research represents the narrative study on 'we',the narrator of the firstperson plural,which enjoys constant academic attention throughout various stages of both classical andposstclassical narratology.However,it has not drawn enough concern or been brought to the forefront until21 tcentury.The core elements of 'we' narrative comprise structure,context and subject.Classicalnarratology emphasizes the analysis on structure and function in terms of 'we' narrative whilepostclassical explores context.'We'narrative has been located in a more open and broad field of visionduring the course that integrates postclassical narratology with narrative turn,interacting with history,ethnicity,gender,identity,benefit from which,a new research of interdisciplinary came into being.'We'narrative marks more than an important part of classical narratology;it also contributes to propel thetransformation from classical to postclassical narratology.
作者 黄灿
出处 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期110-116,124,共7页 Henan Social Sciences
关键词 “我们”叙事 第一人称复数 经典叙事学 后经典叙事学 叙事语境 主体 'We' Narratives First Person Plural Classical Narratology Postclassical Narratology Narrative Context Subject
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