目的了解南昌市某区公务员对空气质量及其改善措施的认知情况。方法于2015年4月对南昌市某区300名公务员进行问卷调查,内容包括人口学特征、对当地环境状况的感知、空气质量对健康的影响及对改善空气质量相关举措的看法。结果有效问卷共261份,回收率为87.0%。其中有65.9%(172/261)认为当地空气质量与5年前相比更差,有77.4%(202/261)认识到空气质量与人群健康相关,有49.4%(129/261)表示非常担心或比较担心目前的空气污染会对其呼吸系统健康产生负面影响;有70.9%(185/261)认为当地政府投入改善空气质量的资源不够,仅5.0%(13/261)不支持政府投入更多资源以改善空气质量,有67.4%(176/261)的公务员认同改善空气质量是每个人的责任,但仅有42.5%(111/261)表示愿意额外缴税来改善空气质量。单因素和多因素logistic回归均显示,女性公务员的支付意愿低于男性,年龄在30~49岁的公务员比年轻公务员的支付意愿更低,家庭人均年收入≥25 000元的公务员支付意愿更高,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论大部分参与调查的公务员认为当地空气质量欠佳,支持政府加大力度改善空气质量;但受性别、年龄、家庭收入的影响,愿意缴税以改善空气质量的人群比例不高。
Objective To assess government employees' perception of current air quality and to examine factors associated with their awareness of air pollution and its control measurement in a district of Nanchang. Methods A total of 300 questionnaires were given to the government employees in April 2015. Each subject was asked to fill-in a questionnaire by themselves.Results A total of 261 questionnaires were returned as effective ones, the response rate was 87.0%. 65.9% of the respondents believed that current air quality even worse than that five years ago. 77.4% of the respondents had observed the connection between human health and air pollution, and 49.4% of the respondents worried about air pollution might negatively impact on their respiratory health. 70.9% of the participants believed that the amount of resources local government spent on activities related to preserving and protecting the local environment were not enough. Only 5.0% of respondents did not support the local government to invest more resources or to take more measures to improve air quality. 42.5% of respondents were willing to pay more taxes to improve air quality. Logistic regression analysis revealed that respondents ' gender, age, average annual household income were the main factors associated with government employees ' willingness to pay more taxes for improvement of air quality. Conclusion Most government employees participating in the survey believe that the current local air quality is poor and support the government to increase efforts to control air pollution and improve air quality. But respondents ' gender,age, average annual household income(AAHI) will affect government employees ' willingness to pay for tax to improve air quality.
Journal of Environment and Health
Air quality
Influencing factor
Government employees