
论民法典法人性质的定位 法律历史社会学与法教义学分析 被引量:34

Personhood of Legal Person in future Chinese Civil Code:Perspectives from Historical Sociology of Law and Legal Dogmatism
摘要 法人性质的定位是民法典法人立法体系化的理论前提。拟制说以公司为原型,造成了法律对法人的过度控制,戕害了自然人与他人联合的天然意愿,最终反而背离了人本主义。实在说以传统共同体为原型,保障了个人结社的自治权,但逻辑上排除了国家对法人的调控,而且始终没有成功论证团体意思的存在。拟制说已不适应法人类型复杂、功能分化、作用突出的现代社会情势,实在说也需通过法人组织化、程序化的意思形成过程、内部组织设置和权力分配机制的特性来强化其合理性。我国民法典应以实在说为基础,承认法人是社会行动的基本单位,重点规范法人的团体性要件,并确认法人全面的法律能力。同时,在法人人格否认等制度设计上吸纳拟制说。 The orientation of the nature of the legal person is the precondition for the legislative sys- tem of the legal person in future Chinese civil code. The fiction theory of legal person, based on the com- pany, results in the excessive control by law of the legal person,harms the individual's natural will of u nion with other people, and eventually deviates from humanism. The real entity theory, based on the community in the history, ensures the autonomy in the right of association for individuals, but it logically excludes the state's regulation and control of the legal person, and does not successfully demonstrate the existence of the general will of legal person. The theory of fiction can no longer follow the modern social trend of the development of the legal person characterized by complication of classification, diffusion of functions and prominence of social role. The real entity theory does need consolidate its rationality through the formation of will of organization and procedure,the establishment of internal organs and the mechanism of distribution of power of legal person. The civil code of our country should be based on the real entity theory, and it should recognize the legal person as the basic unit, focus on the regulation of the elements for the corporation of the legal person, and confirm the overall legal capacity of it. Moreover, the fiction theory of the legal person could be used to justify some rules such as the rule on piercing the corporate veil.
作者 谢鸿飞
出处 《中外法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期1508-1528,共21页 Peking University Law Journal
关键词 法人实在说 法人拟制说 法人人格权 法人侵权 公司社会责任 real entity theory of legal person fiction theory of legal person personality rights of legal person tort liability of legal person corporate social responsibility
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