
TBL结合CBL在高职《外科护理学》教学中的应用 被引量:6

Application of team-based learning combined with cased-based learning in the teaching of "surgical nursing" in higher vocational colleges
摘要 目的探讨以团队为基础的学习(team—based learning,TBL)结合以案例为基础的学习(case-based learning,CBL)在高职《外科护理学》教学中的应用和效果。方法采用整群抽样法选取我校2012级专科护理1、2班共227名学生作为研究对象。随机抽样护理1班为实验组,共97人,采用TBL结合CBL教学;护理2班为对照组,共130人,采用传统授课模式教学。教学结束后通过理论考核、问卷调查等比较教学效果,使用两独立样本t检验、χ^2检验进行统计分析数据。结果教学后实验组学生理论成绩得分(89.18±7.808),高于对照组学生得分(85.53±11.033),差异有统计学意义(t=2.926,P=0.004);实验组学生在独立思考、团队合作、人际交往、沟通能力、解决问题、自主学习等能力提高上,优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P=0.000)。93.82%(91人)的实验组学生满意TBL结合CBL教学;92.78%(90人)的实验组学生希望今后多开展此类教学。结论TBL结合CBL教学提升了学生的学习成绩;提高了学生独立思考、团队合作和沟通、分析问题、自主学习等能力,深受师生欢迎。 Objective To examine the effect of teaching surgical nursing using a team-based (TBL) combined with case-based learning (CBL) model on higher vocational students. Methods A total of 227 nursing students were investigated, and they were divided into the experimental group (n=97) and the control group (n=130) by simple random sampling. The TBL and CBL was applied in the experimental group, and the traditional lecture-based learning (LBL) was used in the control group. After the experiment teaching, a test and questionnaire were used to compare the teaching effect of experimental group and the control group. The data was analyzed by Independent-Samples T test and Chi-square test. Results The 97 students in the experimental group achieved higher mean test scores (89.18 ±7.808) compared with the other participants' (85.53 ± 11.033) in the control group and the difference was statistically significant (t=2.926, P=0.004). Assessments on participants' abilities, such as independent thinking, teamwork, communication, problem solving, active learning and so on, were significantly higher in the experimental group compared with the control group students and the difference was statistically significant (P=0.000). Majority of the respondents (91students, 93.82%) noted that case- based, team-based learning was a better learning strategy compared to lecture-based learning. Most of the students (90 students, 92.78%) agreed that more such instruction activity should be organized in the future. Conclusions TBL combined with CBL has enhanced the students' learning achievement and improved their abilities of independent thinking, teamwork, communication, problem solving, autonomous learning and so on, and is welcome by the teachers and students.
作者 付显华
出处 《中华医学教育探索杂志》 2015年第12期1262-1265,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
基金 2014年广州市高等学校第六批教育教学改革项目(53) 2013年广州医科大学教育科学规划课题(201329)
关键词 以团队为基础的学习 以案例为基础的学习 外科护理学 Team-based learning Case-based learning Surgical nursing
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