
移动群智感知网络发展面临安全挑战 被引量:2

Security challenges for the mobile crowdsensing network
摘要 作为一种全新的物联网感知模式,移动群智感知网络通过普适感知设备采集特定范围内的个体、情景、环境感知数据,完成复杂的泛在深度社会感知任务并提供丰富应用。介绍了移动群智感知网络当前的应用发展状况,分析了在智能交通服务、基础设施和市政管理服务、环境监测预警、社会关系与公共安全、公众健康和医疗服务等方面的发展趋势。提出了一些移动群智感知网络在未来所面临的安全挑战,分析了用户隐私保护、感知数据和平台的安全性、感知质效提升和资源优化利用方面面临的挑战。 As a new paradigm of sensing in the Internet of Things, the mobile crowdsensing network takes advantage of ubiquitous sensing device within a specific range to collect sensing data of individuals, situations and environments for a variety of applications.This paper introduces the current application development of the mobile crowdsensing network, analyzes the development trend of intelligent transportation services, infrastructure and municipal management, environmental monitoring, early warning, social relations and public safety, public health and medical services. Then it proposes a number of security challenges faced by the mobile crowdsensing network in the future, including user privacy protection, security of the sensing data and platform, the improvement of sensing quality and efficiency, and resources consumption optimization.mobile crowdsensing network; crowdsourcing; mobile sensing; crowdsensing; Internet of Things
作者 王钲淇
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第24期114-117,共4页 Science & Technology Review
关键词 移动群智感知网络 众包 移动感知 群智感知 物联网 mobile crowdsensing network crowdsourcing mobile sensing crowdsensing Internet of Things
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