Examining the determinants of tourism service export can potentially help to seek the resolution of China's current huge service trade deficit,so as to provide relevant authorities with solid theoretical foundation for policy formulation. Nevertheless,hardly any research has been carried out to study tourism service trade using Chinese provincial data as empirical evidence. This paper seeks to fill this gap by investigating the impact of various economic,political,cultural,historical and geological factors on inbound tourism. A fixed effect model is developed and estimated comprehensively using panel data of the tourism service export from different Chinese provinces to different countries for the period 2004—2013. The estimation results identify that China's tourism export shares the similar patterns with other countries' and districts' examined in the empirical literature. Explanatory variables included,such as the gross regional product of the tourism exporting province,the population of the importing country,the relative price and the binary variable that represents whether the country has signed the Free Trade Agreement with China,significantly affect tourism service export,which is in accord with the implications of the gravity model.Suggestions are made for stakeholders of tourism and for promising future research.
Journal of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics