
大陆游客涉入度与文化认同对台湾旅游目的地形象的影响 被引量:38

Effects of involvement and cultural identity of mainland tourists on the destination image of Taiwan
摘要 运用文化营销策略提升目的地形象对于基于可持续发展理念管理和规划旅游景区有重要意义。运用社会心理学关于文化认同理论,构建了基于文化认同、游客涉入度和目的地形象三因素假设关系的理论模型,并将此三因素作为重游倾向的前因,进一步采用实地访谈、调查问卷方法,以塑造台湾旅游目的地形象为例,发现游客涉入度与文化认同有正相关关系,两者均对目的地形象产生积极作用,目的地形象正向引导游客重游倾向。同时,证明了游客涉入度、文化认同和重游倾向间无直接关系,目的地形象在游客涉入度、文化认同和重游倾向间起到完全中介作用。研究结论表明,文化认同要素在游客构建目的地形象中具有特殊重要作用。 The use of cultural marketing strategy has important significance for the management and planning of tourist attractions basing on the concept of sustainable development. We establish a theoretical model based on the hypothetical relationship between three factors(cultural identity,tourist involvement and destination image) and made these three factors antecedents of revisit intention. This model uses Taiwan as a typical tourism destination and shows a positive relationship between tourist involvement and cultural identity after verifying reliability and validity. We also found that tourist involvement and cultural identity have positive effects on the destination image,and destination image leads positively to revisit intention. Tourists' cultural identity has direct and indirect impacts on revisit intention and the influential role of cultural identity on destination image is greater than the effect of tourist involvement on the destination image. We conclude that visitors will be more positive to experience destination attributes,which have deeper,more meaningful cultural symbols. Visitor experience in a particular environment should include consideration of the subjective intent and additional cultural significance. That is,the environmental factor of culture has a special important role in the construction of tourist destination image. Tourist involvement and cultural identity have no direct impact on revisit intention and this is contrary to previous research. A possible reason may be that current mainland tourist behavior is affected by external factors such as tourism management mode. Currently,mainland tourists to Taiwan for the most part travel in groups,the degree of tourist involvement is relatively low,affecting the degree of cultural identity and negatively impacting the cognition of destination image and revisit intention. Destination image has a complete mediation effect between tourist involvement,cultural identity and revisit intention.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期2394-2403,共10页 Resources Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71272149) 教育部人文社科一般项目(11YJA630076)
关键词 文化认同 游客涉入度 目的地形象 重游倾向 大陆游客 台湾地区 cultural identity tourist involvement destination image revisit intention mainland tourists Taiwan
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