近几场局部战争中,美军频发虐囚事件,引发世界高度关注。为削减虐囚事件带来的负面影响,平复美军内部厌战情绪,美军开始反思自己的战俘政策。2005年出台的《§2005.Prisoners of war 50 App.U.S.C.A.§2005》,对战俘身份确认、战俘待遇、赔偿提请程序作出了一系列改进,但与《关于战俘待遇之日内瓦公约》及后续出台相关国际公约中规定的战俘保护制度相比,美军战俘保护制度的双重性标准彰显无遗。
In the recent few regional wars,the frequent cases of prisoner abuse found in the U. S. army have attracted major attention globally. To eliminate the negative influence and reduce the war- weariness among soldiers,the U. S. army began to reflect on their policies regarding prisoners of war. From ‘ § 2005. Prisoners of war50 App. U. S. C. A. § 2005',it can be seen that a series of changes were made in terms of the identification and treatment of war prisoners and the process of compensation submission. But when comparing with ‘Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War'and other prisoners of war protection regimes published in later international conventions,it is obvious that the U. S. army has a double standard for prisoners of war treatment.
Journal of Xi'an Politics Institute