Dual linear polarization weather radar is one of the more advanced weather radar, it is able to obtain the parameters of rainfall characteristics and the strength(Zh), speed(V), spectral width(W), differential reflectivity(Zdr), differential transmission phase shift(DP), ratio(Kdp) and correlation coefficient(P HV). These parameters determine the accuracy of recognition accuracy,cloud and precipitation particles and regional rainfall telemetry. Therefore, dual linear polarization weather radar users must accurately grasp the impact of the accuracy of the polarization parameters of the hardware. Dual linear polarization radar is capable of transmitting both horizontal and vertical electromagnetic wave transmitting and receiving mode, working at the same time using 714 XDP dual polarization radar, stability, consistency and therefore the phase two of transmitting and receiving system has very important role for the radar data acquisition accuracy. In 2012 June, the field test of 714 XDP dual linear polarization weather radar using fixed signal source. Through the experiment, the minimum detectable power of radar receiver antenna two channel becomes small, poor consistency, the Zdr error is not caused by the double hinge, but with larger error caused by dp. In the processing of radar data should take these factors into account.
Automation & Instrumentation
Dual linear polarization weather radar
Signal source
Detection performance
Polarization parameters