
武川镇豪强酋帅在西魏北周府兵体系地位考论——兼析陈寅恪府兵制研究的相关观点 被引量:2

A Textual Research of the Status of Despotic Chieftains of Wuchuan Town in the FubingSystem in the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties: With a Discussion of Chen Yinke's Opinion on the FubingSystem
摘要 自宇文泰成为关陇军统帅开始,他与赵贵等武川镇豪强酋帅之间就是统帅与部属的关系。所谓"等夷",仅是指赵贵等人与宇文泰在北魏六镇社会中形成的同等辈分和六镇起兵以来的深厚资历。赵贵等武川镇豪强酋帅成为柱国,并不是因为"等夷"关系,也不是宇文泰要追求鲜卑八部旧制的形式,更非赵贵等人的军政势力所迫,而是宇文泰为稳定邙山战后大批关陇等地土豪、乡帅军阶晋升给军队内部等级秩序造成的剧烈变化,协调军队中各群体、各将领政治地位的现实考虑。赵贵等柱国既不掌握府兵调动权,也没有供养大批府兵的能力,同样无法通过赐胡姓来控制府兵,更谈不上在府兵中形成所谓强大的派系。柱国仅是其群体军中元老地位的象征。在宇文护的打压下,北周宗室取代了武川镇豪强酋帅在柱国层所占的多数地位,形成了北周皇帝与宗室共掌府兵的军事分权结构。出于集军权于皇权的考虑,北周皇帝与掌军宗室之间的政治残杀不断。杨坚代周建隋,与之有很大关系。 From the time Yuwen Tai became the commander-in-chief of the Guanlong Army,there formed a relationship of commander and subordinate between he and Zhao Gui et.al.,the despotic chieftains of Wuchuan Town.The title of so-called'peer'accorded to Yuwen Tai,Zhao,and the others only refers to their relationships as contemporaries in the society of the Six Towns of the Northern Wei Dynasty,and to their achievements since the Six Towns revolt.Zhao Gui et.al.became Pillars of State not because of their peer relationships,nor because Yuwen Tai pursued the old Xianbei system of Eight Ministries,nor because Yuwen was forced into it by Zhao et.al.'s military and political power,but due to his realistic consideration of the need to stabilize the dramatic changes in military ranking caused by the promotion of large numbers of local tyrants and rural commanders in the Guanlong area and elsewhere after the War of Mount Mangshan,and to coordinate the political status of various groups and commanders in the army.As Pillar of State,Zhao Gui and the others did not possess the right to transfer fubing(militia garrisons),did not have the capability to provide for large numbers of militia troops,nor could they control the militia garrison by granting the minority Hu surname,let alone form what may be called strong factions in the militia garrison.The rank of peer was just a symbol of their group's veteran status in the army.Under pressure from Yuwen Hu,the imperial clan of the Northern Zhou replaced most of the Pillar of State group originally comprised of the despotic chieftains of Wuchuan Town,thus forming a militarily decentralized structure in which the Northern Zhou emperor and imperial clan jointly controlled the militia garrison.The effort to centralize military power under imperial authority engendered constant slaughter between the Northern Zhou emperors and the imperial clan over who could master the army,which led in part to Yang Jian establishing the Sui Dynasty instead of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.
作者 薛海波
出处 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期94-108,167,共15页 Literature,History,and Philosophy
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"5 6世纪北边六镇豪强酋帅社会地位演变研究"(11CZS022)的阶段性成果 江苏省教育厅"青蓝工程"(12QLG005)的资助
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